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Friday, October 18, 2013

Rotisserie Chicken (Ga Nuong)

I did my usually shopping at Costco today and purchased their rotisserie chicken for $4.99.  I buy this chicken at least once a week, because I can get so much uses out of it and an uncooked chicken is about the same price.  It can be used in so many recipes.  Here are some ways that I have used the Costco rotisserie chicken.


This product can be found in the hot food section at Costco.



1.   Asian or American chicken salad
2.   Vietnamese cauliflower soup
3.   Vietnamese spinach soup
4.   Chicken tacos
5.   Chicken quesadillas
6.   Chicken noodle soup
7.   Stir fry with vegetables




TIP:  I will post individual recipes for the different usage I listed above. 



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